For me personally, the circle is a symbol of my faith (one of many). It represents the eternal continuation in everything. It is the Birth/Death/Rebirth cycle. It is the Wheel of the Year. You can find it in shape of a seed's core, egg's yolk, the path of our planet (yes I know that isn't exactly a 'circle' but it is a never ending loop right?), even our planet itself. I find circles and eternal connections when looking into someone's eyes, in cups, and in drums. It is the shape we make when we all gather hands and the shape my daughter's arms make when she wraps them around me. It is a symbol of that which holds us together when we feel ourselves falling apart.

I had an amazing post after this about how circles can be found as sacred in all different types of belief systems but it seems that either my computer of blogger ate it. So..more to come hopefully
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